Georgia Students Blocked from AP African American Studies

See update on this story! Advocacy Success: AP African American Studies Approved in Georgia! – As Predicted, “Divisive Concepts” Law Led to Censorship Attempt, August 7, 2024

Upon direction from State Superintendent Woods, the State Board of Education declined to vote to include AP African American Studies in the state-approved course catalog for the 2024-25 school year. Without being in the catalog, the course cannot receive state funding or support.  Unlike every other AP course, the Superintendent wants local districts to instead use the course code for a class that does not confer the same credit: Introduction to African American Studies.

Introduction to African American Studies is a different course than AP African American Studies with different requirements and benefits. This decision means most Georgia students will be blocked from taking AP African American Studies this year.

The decision deprives students of the opportunity to take a college-level course that reflects the societal contributions of African Americans and can lead to college credit.

Removing this AP African American Studies with no good rationale, and at the last minute, is a breach of the trust that students should be able to have in their education leaders. This decision should be reversed immediately. 

Get more information in our factsheet and tips for how you can push for AP African American Studies.

All students should have access to truthful curricula that reflect and uplift the experiences and contributions of diverse communities. IDRA has long supported ethnic studies as one way to provide this access. Because of our work in this area, we supported Georgia state leaders’ decision to offer the Advanced Placement African American Studies course pilot two years ago.

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