Organizing My Community

Connect with other advocates in your community!

Multiply your impact by joining with others. Start by looking for groups in your community that may already be advocating on issues you care about. And join groups in this Southern Education Equity Network. 

See if there is an IDRA Education CAFE in your community. Education CAFEs are for families who want to support excellent public education in their neighborhood public schools, especially among families of color, economically disadvantaged, emergent bilinguals and under-serviced neighborhoods.

Our goal is to develop collective intergenerational family leadership from these groups.

IDRA Education CAFEs are designed to increase communication and collaboration when possible between parents/caregivers, communities, and their local school administrators and teachers. See below for information on how to start an Education CAFE in your community.

Get tools for advocacy!

See our Advocacy News section for more tools. We feature advocates in action where you can see community advocates, including students testifying against classroom censorship and other bills that harm students. And we have toolkits for advocacy against classroom censorship.

Also see these tools!

• Infographic: Steps to Promoting Student Activism, by then high school student, Melivia Mujia

• Infographic: 5 Tips for Organizing a High School Student-Led Ethnic Studies Advocacy Group


Education CAFEs and Other Community Groups

SEEN Culturally Sustaining Schools Collaborative

This group is dedicated to building culturally-sustaining schools across the South. Connect to find  information, share resources, and get support from advocates across the region. We support each other to defend against attacks on culturally-sustaining schools and to promote a positive vision for what culturally-sustaining schools can be across the

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School Resource Hub

IDRA is creating a hub of resources for educators, families and policy advocates to support those who want to promote culturally-sustaining schools and fight harmful classroom censorship policies. While the site is in development, we are sharing resources here.

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Consider starting an Education CAFE in your community!

An Education CAFE is a family group rooted in a community-based organization, rather than in a single school. Its sole purpose is to collaborate with schools to improve the success of students in the community.

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to Remember

How to Start an Education CAFE in 5 Steps

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Cafecito y MAS – San Antonio

This gathering is for teachers, students, families, community members and everyone interested in ethnic studies, social justice and civil rights. A morning of sharing, planning and

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