Identity-based Bullying

Identity-Based Bullying IDRA Model Policy Icon wide

To develop safe and healthy school environments, schools must be able to respond to bullying and harassment appropriately and take deliberate action to prevent it. This includes incidences where the bullying taking place is based on or related to a student’s identity, such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, religion or disability status.

IDRA’s package includes a policy brief, model policy for state-level legislation, school board policy and an advocacy guide.

Model Policies

Preventing and Addressing Identity-based Bullying in Schools – Policy Brief

This brief describes what identity-based bullying is, how pervasive it is, key reasons we
need to address it and highlights of policy elements. (This brief is also available in the model policy full package.)

Advocacy Guide

This advocacy guide was designed to help students and the adults that support them advocate for changes in local school board policies to define and respond to identity-based bullying in schools. (This guide is also available in the model policy full package.)

Additional Resources

IDRA Interrupting Bullying & Harassment in Schools – Online Technical Assistance Toolkit
– designed to give educators and school leaders the tools that they need to
prevent bullying and harassment by fostering a positive school climate. This
package includes five chapters, each with a video and supporting resources.

Literature Review Bullying and Harassment in Schools, Second Edition, by Gretchen
Brion-Meisels, Ed.D.; Eliza O’Neil, Ed.M.; & Sarah Bishop, M.A., Paige Duggins-Clay, J.D.

Identity-based Bullying in Texas Schools – Policy Recommendations – IDRA Issue Brief, by Paige Duggins-Clay, J.D., and Makiah Lyons (in English & Spanish)

What Safe Schools Should Look Like for Every Student – A Guide to Building Safe and Welcoming Schools and Rejecting Policies that Hurt Students – IDRA Issue Brief, by Morgan Craven, J.D.

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