IDRA Texas Education Policy Alert – Jan 27, 2025

This Tuesday, January 28, the Texas Senate K-16 Education Committee will hear Senate Bill 2, the newest school voucher bill that takes public dollars away from public schools.  

IDRA’s weekly email alert will include legislative updates, opportunities for action to make your voice heard, bills to watch and other information through the session until it closes in early June.

Make sure you keep receiving these notices by subscribing to IDRA’s Texas Education Policy Alert!

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In this edition…

  • Information on SB 2, the Senate’s newest voucher bill 
  • How to testify if you’re in the Austin area 
  • Graphics to share on why private school vouchers hurt students

Senate Bill 2

  • Here’s some fast facts about the bill:
  • The program would have universal eligibility to any school-age child.
  • The measure would provide $10,000 per year for students attending accredited private schools, $11,500 per year if a student with disabilities, and $2,000 per year if using a non-private school provider (tutoring, colleges, etc.)
  • The bill includes income requirements only if there are excessive applications. It requires that up to the first 80% of slots be reserved for students who were enrolled in public school the prior year and have a disability or are members of a household with total annual income at or below 500% of the federal poverty level. For 2025, 500% of the federal poverty level for a single parent with one child is $105,750, and 500% of the federal poverty level for a family of six is $215,750.
  • Participating students must take either the state-required assessment or a nationally norm-referenced exam.
  • The bill requires private schools that accept funding from this bill to post a notice stating that the school is not required to comply with federal special education laws.
  • If you are in the Austin area, come to testify and share your concerns! If you can’t attend the hearing, follow our social channels to share our messages throughout the day!

If you are in the Austin area, come to testify and share your concerns! If you can’t attend the hearing, follow our social channels to share our messages throughout the day!

The hearing is set to begin at 11am CST, or upon the Senate is adjourned. To watch the live hearing, navigate to the Texas Senate live video page.

Learn more about IDRA’s policy recommendations for Texas

See our Infographic: 5 Data Snacks on IDRA’s Policy Priorities

How to Testify before the Texas Legislature, Infographic

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