Held November 1, 2022 • 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm CT
In today’s climate of classroom censorship, finding tools for culturally sustaining teaching can be hard to find and implement. This is why IDRA launched our new school resource hub for educators, families and policy advocates who want to make sure students receive a strong, truthful education in our public schools.
CulturED Collection
- #GotCulture? – Introduce students to important elements of culture, both surface and deep culture. Students will come to understand how culture shapes the way we see ourselves, others and the world. Through a video analysis, students have the opportunity to discuss cultural similarities and differences in a respectful and supportive manner.
- #E-Raced – Introduce students to the history of race. Our modern understanding of race was introduced starting in the 1600s as European scientists and philosophers conducted pseudo-research to prove that humans were not made or evolved equally. Students will learn that modern research disproved virtually all of these claims of racial superiority even though the story is passed on despite the lack of scientific evidence.
- They #E-Raced Us – This lesson explores the history of the American Psychological Association (APA), which was founded in 1869 and, unbeknownst to many, until 2021 played a key role in creating research used to promote race as an idea and racial discrimination.
- Free Your Mind – All cultural groups teach future generations cultural understandings that help to shape their identities and interactions with other groups and society at large. Past lessons have explored that race is not culture, but it is a story we tell ourselves to further political aims. Yet, research has confirmed that experiencing acts of discrimination or being exposed to them over social media has a negative impact on the mental and emotional health of minority youth. Students will engage in thoughtful reflection and peer-to-peer discussions to build their empathy and support for creating healthy schools and classrooms.