From Seattle to Miami, we deserve a country that enables us to take care of our families, regardless of our citizenship status. While certain politicians in power want to deny the children of undocumented workers access to our neighborhood’s public schools, IDRA continues to work to strengthen public schools for all students, no matter their zip code. Our history shows that when families and communities come together, we ensure that all students have the freedom to learn, thrive, and succeed in the classroom.
As this new school year begins, this alert is a reminder that public schools, by law, must serve all students.
See IDRA’s bilingual infographic: Welcoming Immigrant Students in School, which is also available as a poster. Other free resources and tools are available online.
Education of undocumented students is guaranteed by the Plyler vs. Doe decision, and certain procedures must be followed when registering immigrant children in school to avoid violation of their civil rights.