Gail Borden facts for kids

This teaching tool biography explores the life of Gail Borden, a U.S. inventor who revolutionized food preservation with his invention of condensed milk. Born in

Rosa Parks | Civil Rights Activist

After the Civil War and through the Civil Rights era of the 1950s, racial segregation laws made life for many African Americans extremely difficult. Rosa

Rosa Parks Free Unit Study

Rosa Parks was a brave woman who worked hard her whole life to promote civil rights. She is best known for not giving up her seat

Free Expression & Censorship: Banned Books

Students will learn about the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of expression and about censorship by looking at the examples of banned children’s books. Then

Top 10 Most Challenged Books List

The American Library Association condemns censorship and works to ensure free access to information. Every year, the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) compiles a list

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