U.S. Geography

Think Like a Historian | Unladylike 2020

In this interactive lesson, students will use Unladylike2020 digital shorts to learn about women of the Progressive Era and search for and examine primary source

Extranjeros and Expansion

In this lesson plan drawing on material from Latino Americans, students learn about how regions, such as Texas, New Mexico and California, had established Mexican

People Who Have Most Influenced Me

Students will reflect on qualities of people who have most influenced them. Culturally Sustaining Schooling, Diversity Culturally Sustaining Schooling, Diversity

Stories of Arrival

Latinos have come to be part of the United States through many different avenues: immigrants seeking a better life, refugees driven by war, and those

Stereotypes vs. Statistics (Grades 4-8)

There are many preconceptions and stereotypes about Latinos and how they have come to the United States. In this activity, students will examine some of

Stereotypes vs. Statistics (Grades 9-12)

There are many preconceptions and stereotypes about Latinos and how they have come to the United States. In this activity, students will examine some of

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