Teaching Truth: Protecting and Advancing Culturally Responsive Curricula in Our Schools – Webinar

The Leadership Conference Education Fund, in collaboration with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, GLSEN, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., National Black Justice Coalition, National Women’s Law Center, The Education Trust, and IDRA, hosted a webinar in early 2022 to discuss culturally responsive curricula in our schools. Every student deserves to learn and thrive in a school environment that supports student identities, equips them for the future, and teaches the truth. Unfortunately, across the country we have seen attempts to gag educators and whitewash the history of the United States by attacking culturally responsive curriculum, respect for LGBTQ+ students, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. We need to teach students the truth of our history, to enable them to learn from the mistakes of our past and help create a more just and equitable future. We must ensure they have an honest and accurate education that helps them develop critical thinking skills. Thankfully, we are not alone in this fight. While there are those who seek to erase history (what they call an attack on critical race theory), there are also those who are ensuring that the stories and experiences of all students are represented in our classrooms.

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